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Epigenetic test - Find out your true biological age

Product information

249,90 €


Do you know the true age of your body? Your chronological age is just a number - but your biological age reveals how healthy you really are. The Epigenetic Clock measures how your lifestyle and genes affect the ageing process. Start living a healthier, more vital life today and discover how you can preserve your inner youth.

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Would you like to test your biological age and find out how well your body actually ages?

Our GrimAge analysis gives you comprehensive insights into your biological ageing process. This information helps you to take targeted measures to keep your body younger, healthier and more vital.

Determine biological age
Find out how young or old your body actually is. Find out to what extent your biological age differs from your chronological age - and what this means for your health.
Understanding the ageing process
Gain deep insights into DNA methylation patterns that show how much your body is influenced by environmental factors and your lifestyle.
Targeted health measures
Implement targeted measures to slow down the ageing process and maintain your vitality. Protect your health in the long term with the findings from your analysis.
Improve quality of life
Optimize your lifestyle to stay young longer and noticeably improve your well-being. Create a higher quality of life - today and in the future.

Why "You're only as old as you feel" is really true

What is the epigenetic clock and how does it help you to age more slowly?

The Epigenetic Clock measures your biological age using specific DNA methylation patterns. These unique patterns show how much your biological age differs from your actual age - and how much your body is affected by external influences and your lifestyle.

These findings give you the opportunity to consciously manage your ageing process and take measures to improve your quality of life in the long term.

How it works

Your personal GRIM Age Report in just a few steps

How the epigenetic analysis of your biological age works

You will receive a Gentastic Test Kit with everything you need to collect and return your saliva sample - easily and conveniently from home.

You will receive your test kit conveniently at your desired location within a few working days. It includes simple instructions for registration and test acceptance.
Return shipment
Send your sample material back to us free of charge. After internal quality control by our scientists, your sample will be analyzed in the laboratory using a biochip.
Your personal result
After extensive analysis of your gene sequences, you will receive your personal report in your personal area within 4 - 6 weeks of receipt in the laboratory.

Are you unsure?

Find out how our product can help you

Are you unsure how our product can help you or would you like to find out more? Then talk to our Longevity Coach without obligation and receive individual advice that will give you clarity.

Sample report

Gain insights into your biological age

Discover how your lifestyle and genes influence your biological age. The epigenetics test analyzes specific DNA methylation patterns to show how much your biological age differs from your chronological age. Watch an excerpt of a report now to get an idea of how the results are presented and how they can help you understand your ageing process.

Data Security and Privacy

We live and breathe data protection

The protection of all your data is very important to us. We are aware of the great responsibility that comes with trusting our services. That is why our laboratory in Austria is ISO and TÜV-certified and meets the strictest international guidelines for data security and quality.

According to strict European guidelines
We store your data exclusively on our servers in Europe.
Laboratory equipment and processes meet the highest safety standards.
Our qualified employees receive ongoing training.

Frequently asked questions about the epigenetic clock

The epigenetic clock measures the biological age of your body by analyzing specific methylation patterns in your DNA. Methylation is a biochemical process in which small chemical groups (methyl groups) bind to DNA and influence how genes are activated or deactivated. These methylation patterns change over time and reflect the ageing process. The epigenetic clock uses this data to determine your biological age, which is often a more accurate indicator of your actual level of health and age than your chronological age.