

0815 was yesterday - be completely you - with your very personal supplements.

Tailor-made nutritional supplements

For noticeably more well-being and quality of life

Our comprehensive nutrient package provides you with 30 micronutrients that are optimally tailored to your individual needs. The combination of capsules and powder enables optimal bioavailability of all vital substances.

Capsules for sensitive nutrients

Protection against external influences: Capsules protect vitamins and minerals from negative environmental influences such as humidity and light. This protection guarantees the preservation of nutrient quality and supports optimal absorption in the intestinal tract.

Powder for water-soluble nutrients

Rapid Absorption: Powder form allows for rapid absorption of water-soluble vitamins and minerals in the small intestine, improving the efficiency of nutrient absorption.

Combined advantages

Optimal bioavailability: The formulation ensures that all nutrients are absorbed in their ideal form. In addition, the composition of 30 micronutrients ensures that the daily requirement for essential vital substances is comprehensively covered.

From vitamin A to zinc

Everything your body needs!


Up to 12 vitamins for body and mind

Whether for your immune system, your skin, the vision of your eyes or cell renewal - vitamins play an important role in many areas of a healthy body.

Discover how you can better cover your vitamin requirements and do something good for yourself and your body: with your personalized nutrient mix. Either quick & easy or as a premium supplement, which is also based on a scientific DNA analysis - for an even more individualized mix.


18 minerals, trace elements & antioxidants for your extra boost

Minerals and trace elements that we consume every day with our food support many of our body's functions - from the organs to the cells.

But the dose we consume every day is often very small. In addition, your mineral requirements are too individual to leave it up to chance whether you consume enough of the nutrients that you really need. We therefore analyze your personal needs and give you exactly what you need every day with our nutrient mix - for that extra boost of vitality.

Individual instead of conventional

Why Gentastic

Conventional food supplements are based on average values. But because you are not "average", we put together the nutrient mix for you exactly as your body needs it.

The basis for this is a special questionnaire for the initial assessment of your nutrient and vitamin requirements. If you order our Premium nutrient mix, we also analyze your DNA for genetic predispositions. This is the only way we can tailor your nutrient mix precisely to you and your body.

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We have the right package for you

Choose between Quick & Easy and a Premium subscription with DNA analysis (if you have already ordered one of our kits, the cost of the analysis is waived). We will put together your personal nutrient mix of up to 30 vitamins and micronutrients.


My nutrient mix - quick & easy

My nutrient mix - quick & easy

Your personalized nutritional supplements - as unique as you are.


  • Questionnaire
  • Mix of 20+ vitamins and micronutrients
  • Contributes to the maintenance of normal skin and hair and to the normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Supports normal energy metabolism and normal muscle function
  • Has positive effect on organs and bodily functions
  • Only one capsule per day for a balanced supply of essential substances
  • Also available in vegan version
My nutrient mix - Premium

My nutrient mix - Premium

Your personalized nutritional supplements - as unique as you are.


  • DNA analysis kit € 99.90 (one-off)
  • Questionnaire
  • Mix of 30 vitamins and micronutrients
  • Plus: Vitamin D + Omega 3 capsules
  • 15+ reports
  • Additional reports can be activated
  • Contributes to the maintenance of normal skin and hair and to the normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Supports normal energy metabolism and normal muscle function
  • Has positive effects on organs and bodily functions
  • Your daily mix contains everything your body needs + the extra boost
  • Also available in vegan version
Mag. Larissa Grünwald

"We know how important it is to support the body with the right nutrients to lead a healthy and active life. Our carefully selected products provide you with the vitamins, minerals and botanical extracts you need to boost your wellbeing. As part of the development team, I know how much care has gone into the composition of the supplements. I am pleased to say that all supplements are produced and packaged by hand in Austria. In this sense, our own brand is a healthy recommendation in every respect."

Mag. Larissa Grünwald

Just one capsule a day for noticeably more well-being

Our Quick & Easy nutrient mix provides your body with the essentials - with just one capsule a day. The premium package with additional nutrients contains everything you need for an extra boost.

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Quick & Easy in capsule form

Just one capsule a day contains everything you need for noticeably more well-being.

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Premium: for the extra boost

Your individual Premium nutrient mix also contains minerals and trace elements in powder form for an extra boost.

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Plus: Omega 3 + vitamin D

The premium mix also contains high-quality omega-3 and vitamin D capsules as a valuable daily supplement to your personalized nutrients.

30 micronutrients - especially for you

We put together your individual nutrient mix from up to 12 vitamins and a further 18 trace elements and minerals - tailored to you and your needs.


Vitamin A

Vitamin A refers to a group of natural and synthetic compounds that fulfill numerous functions in the body (so-called retinoids). They are fat-soluble and have the biological activity of retinol. As not every derivative has the full effectiveness of retinol, the quantity is stated in International Units (IU) or Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE). Retinol is a component of the visual pigment rhodopsin and therefore plays an important role in the visual process. It is also involved in gene regulation, the formation and maintenance of tissue structures, the development of the embryo and the production of antibodies

Immune system
Vitamin A

Other nutrients


Calcium is a vital mineral and the most abundant in the human body. Around 99% of calcium is found in bones and teeth, where it ensures their stability and strength. The remaining calcium is stored in the body's cells and in the blood plasma and performs other important functions such as regulating muscle contractions or the transmission of nerve cell stimuli. Calcium is also an important factor in blood clotting, as it activates proteins that subsequently contribute to the clotting of blood platelets.

Muscle function

Tailor-made for you

Your personal report


Detailed insights for your health

After the comprehensive analysis of your DNA, you will receive a personalized report that provides you with in-depth insights into your genetic predispositions. Our detailed report will not only explain which genetic factors could have an impact on your health, but also how you can use this information to improve your wellbeing.

The report contains clear and understandable explanations as well as customized recommendations based on your individual genetic profile. Whether it's about your diet, lifestyle or potential health risks, you'll get all the information you need to proactively take care of your health.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Our nutrient mix is generally safe for adults, non-pregnant, non-lactating and non-ill people. However, in order to achieve your health goals, it is of course advisable to seek medical advice or to disclose the intake of food supplements.

Quick & Easy contains a questionnaire to collect essential personal information that enables us to put together your individual nutrient mix of up to 20 vitamins and minerals.